Whether we are now just more aware of coughing since Covid, or whether more people are coughing than before, I am seeing, well, hearing a lot of coughing in clinic and when out and about.

Aggravation in the throat and lungs causes a cough, as a natural healthy response to rid the body of an irritant. Most of us cough now and again, but coughing can become uncontrollable and can be a sign of an infection in the airways. Coughs can be productive in order to expel mucus; or a dry cough which is non-productive.

Coughing is a wonderfully noisy condition! The whole household can hear you coughing, so this symptom can occur because we feel the need to be heard. We want attention. “Listen to me” says our cough, “I am irritated”. “I hope you can hear there is something wrong with me”.

Who do you feel is not listening to you? What do you want to be heard? How else can you express yourself and prove your point?

Coughing can also be a sign that you aren’t listening.  Is there something you don’t want to hear? Do you cough over the top of someone else’s words?

Take notice of what emotions maybe triggering your cough. When does it happen the most? What is near you? What are your thoughts before you cough?

I love using  flower essences to help treat the root emotional cause of most conditions and coughing is no exception.

Try the Bach flower essence HEATHER – for focusing on one’s problems too extensively. To assist you to become more sympathetic.

Or the Australian essence RED HELMET – for finding it hard to express your feelings. To help you communicate more easily.

Repeating affirmations can be of use to help calm your cough. Say in your head or out loud the following:

  1. ‘I’m listened to and understood’
  2. ‘I express myself easily and clearly’
  3. ‘I have room to breathe’

Some ideas for foods to eat when you are coughing constantly:

  • Licorice tea can help make a cough more productive.
  • Slippery elm powder in a glass of water can help a dry cough.
  • Soups have been shown to be good for coughs, especially chicken soup.
  • Spicy foods can have an expectorant effect.
  • Keep Vitamin C levels high by consuming lots of kiwis, blueberries, citrus fruits and broccoli.
  • Drink plenty of water.

Some ideas for foods to avoid when you have a cough:

  • Dairy products can encourage mucus production as can bananas, oats and wheat products.
  • Caffeine – tea, coffee, chocolate and cola should be avoided as they can contribute to dehydration.

I also recommend using a humidifier to keep the air moist. Even bowls of water stood around the room can help, but you will need to refill them every few days as they will collect dust.

Case Study from my kinesiology clinic

Anna was only nine but had developed a noisy cough over the last two years. She had been prescribed ventolin and flixotide inhalers to help control this, but sadly they weren’t helping her.

I tested her lung energy with kinesiology and her body said that the low energy here was related to her big sister. Anna’s mother explained that her sister was very confident and outgoing and that Anna didn’t often get a word in, as her sister dominated most conversations in the house.  We created some affirmations for her:

“I have a right to be heard” and “There is enough room for my sister and I”.

After this treatment Anna stopped coughing as there was no need for her to get attention by coughing anymore.

Hopefully these ideas will help you feel more peaceful, in control of your breath and cough less soon.