How to make your ‘diet’ work for you.

It’s that time of year where the internet and magazines are full of the latest diet plans. After spending December telling us to eat pavlova and ham, the media are now telling us that we are huge and unhealthy! So before you jump on the bandwagon and begin your new year’s resolutions, I wanted to share a different approach.

I hate diets. Firstly they begin with the word DIE, which can’t be positive, and they are generally based on self-loathing and self-deprivation. The “I am too fat and I can’t be trusted around food so I need to be on a diet….” kind of self-talk. You have probably been on a ‘diet’ before and the fact that you are now considering one again must indicate that it didn’t work for you in the long term.

The Kinesiological approach to losing weight comes from a place of self-love, of wanting to nurture and nourish your body with what you need to feel your best.

If you aren’t happy with your fitness or body shape you probably already know what is right and wrong for your body. Just you have spent so long comparing yourself to other’s bodies, watching adverts and reading snippets of health information – you are thoroughly confused! You have lost touch with your body’s innate intelligence, which communicates to you when it is physically hungry and what it wants to eat. This may be a long term issue for you or it may be that you have confused your body over the holidays by eating more than usual and not listening to your body when it said it was full up.

What I have found that works for me (and so many others) is Functional Body Typing. This shows you how your physical characteristics and behavioral traits can help you understand which gland is dominant in your body. This then helps you know which food strategies and exercises will suit YOU best. So you don’t just have to follow the latest fad diet, you can start to listen to your body and follow a plan that is developed with your specific body type in mind.

For example, because the Thyroid Gland is most dominant in me, I know that a high protein breakfast is the best way to start the day. Also whilst some body types are able to change their body dramatically with a little bit of exercise I know, whilst exercise will always help, for me it is always going to come down to what I am eating. Some types are better skipping breakfast, some need a big dinner in the evening to function at their best, but most diet plans have one approach to fit all.

Learn more about how to make your ‘diet’ work for you in my ebook Functional Body Typing and also check out my other blog post on Weight Loss for an holistic approach to loving your body.

Please don’t starve and hate your body, there is another way to being healthy and happy, I know because I am living it!