Increase your libido naturally

 I have spoken to several clients recently who complained that their sexual desire – their libido – is low or non-existent. So I wanted to share some factors that influence our libido and how Kinesiology can increase it.

There is an interesting research paper by Dr Michael Allen about the different hormones that men and women respond to that increase libido and how they have different effects in both sexes.


Sexual interest in women is stimulated by the neurotransmitter serotonin . It helps induce relaxation and when a woman is relaxed her sexual interest usually raises. Serotonin has the opposite effect in a man and normally sends him to sleep!

To increase serotonin in females, the body needs Tryptophan. Foods rich in this are turkey, eggs, milk, fish, chicken, meat and soya beans.

(posing the question do vegans and vegetarians have lower libido?)

The Sacral chakra is the area most affected when a woman’s libido is low. Wearing the colour orange or having orange cushions on the bed can help support sacral chakra function.

The Twenty8 oil synergy blend – Romance and Intimacy – is absolutely divine and perfect for diffusing or inhaling to help a woman relax.



The neurotransmitter dopamine stimulates sexual interest in men. Dopamine is one of the hormones released by the adrenals under stress. Under stressful conditions a man may want to have sex to release his stress. Dopamine has the opposite effect in females. When a female is stressed the last thing she wants is sex!

Tyrosine is the precursor to dopamine as is needed to help healthy male libido. Tyrosine rich foods include cheese, soybeans, meat, nuts, seeds and dairy. Your body can manufacture Tyrosine from another amino acid – phenylalanine (found in meat, fish and seafood and aspartame). Under chronic stress you maybe unable to manufacture tyrosine and would therefore rely on dietary sources. A rare condition phenlyketonuria occurs in people who cannot metabolize phenylalanine and they must avoid it.

The Base chakra is affected in males with low sexual desire. Wearing the colour red can help this chakra.

Zinc assists healthy reproduction in men by playing a role in the metabolism of hormones and sperm production.

The herb ‘Tribulus’ is shown in clinical trials to increase libido in men and also women.

So by eating specific foods and supporting specific chakra energy centres in the body, we can find natural, healthy ways to increase our libido.

For more information on dealing with hormonal imbalances including male and female infertility, menopausal symptoms and pre-menstrual syndrome, read Your Body Has The Answer, available in hard copy or ebook.