Winter Energy

Winter is an important season in Chinese medicine. During this cold and introspective time, it’s essential to nurture and protect our energy reserves to maintain overall health and well-being.

  1. Maintain Warmth

Winter’s cold temperatures make it vital to keep the body warm. According to Chinese medicine, this helps preserve Yang energy, which is necessary for vitality. Dress warmly, paying particular attention to keeping your lower back warm to help the kidneys.

Have Infar red saunas, Epsom salt baths and use hot water bottles or heat packs to keep your body temperature up.

  1. Adjust Your Diet

In winter, focus on nourishing foods that are warm and cooked. Incorporate spices like garlic and cinnamon, which are believed to bolster Yang energy and help ward off cold. Especially Ginger which helps the kidney energy – have some Ginger tea or Lemon and Ginger drinks.

Get the slow cooker on for some casseroles, soups and root vegetables to ground and nourish you. Avoid salads and raw fruits in the winter.

  1. Body Clock

With longer nights and shorter days, it’s natural for our biological rhythms to shift. Maintain a regular sleep schedule that aligns with natural Yin-Yang cycles. Going to bed early and rising early supports the body’s energy flow. Taking short naps during the day can also replenish energy levels.

  1. Emotional Well-being

Winter can bring about feelings of introspection or melancholy. Support this with meditation and journalling. Have some kinesiology or complementary treatments to help clear unresolved emotions and traumas before the newness and fresh start of the Spring.

  1. Moderate Exercise

Despite the cold weather, moderate exercise remains crucial for maintaining energy and vitality. Choose gentle forms of exercise that promote Qi circulation and strengthen the body, such as Tai Chi, Qi Gong, or yoga. These practices not only enhance physical health but also help mental clarity and emotional balance.

  1. Energy Reset

Winter is the perfect time to reset your energy. Have you tried an Energy Reset treatment – click here to see some of our lovely practitioners.

  1. Colour Therapy

Blues and Oranges are the perfect colours to wear and decorate with in the winter season.

  1. Affirmations
  • I nourish my body with warmth and wholesome foods, supporting my health and vitality.
  • I am grateful for the quiet introspection that winter brings, allowing me to reconnect with myself.
  • I am at peace with the natural rhythm of the seasons, trusting in the cycle of renewal and growth.
  • Each day brings opportunities for joy and fulfillment, regardless of the weather outside.
  1. Rituals

Winter is the perfect time for fire pit rituals and candles! Write things you wish to let  go of and burn them in a fire pit. This is the best season for de-cluttering your space as well, so get cleaning out those cupboards ready to welcome the newness of spring.