Coping in Chaos

Coping in Chaos

Coping in chaos has become a very important part of today. All of us experience ‘down days’ or get the blues sometimes, but a lot of people are struggling at the moment with overwhelm, fear of illness and death, fear of loss of work and money and feeling disconnected from community and social activities. All our issues that ‘normal’ life has kept us distracted from are forced to the surface and we may be responding from our wounded inner child rather than our logical adult self.

You may have lost your job or be in lockdown in a house with people you don’t connect with. You may feel withdrawn from life, apathetic and lonely.

If you are feeling that you are not coping,  you must ask for help from your family, friends, or a professional therapist. Physical distancing does not mean mentally distancing.

You can call your local Dr who can prescribe medications over the phone and send prescriptions straight to your nearest pharmacy if you are worried to go to the surgery or are in self-isolation.

You can also call the following helpline numbers at anytime. These numbers are for Australia so google similar in your country:

Life Line: crisis support and suicide prevention 131 114

The Samaritans: counselling 135 247

Beyond Blue: depression and anxiety 1300 224 636

Grief Line: grief and loss 1300 845 745

DVRCV: sexual assault and domestic violence 1800 Respect

Some natural supports to help lift your mood I find following useful with myself and my clients are:


Just writing out the following simple words or creating your own affirmations can help you feel more positive. Write them on a post it note or scrap paper and stick on your bathroom mirror to read every morning and night while you brush your teeth.

  1. I am part of life and life is part of me
  2. I am connected to ever-flowing love
  3. I am able to move on from the grieving process
  4. I am finding new ways to move forward every day
  5. I choose to take one step at a time
  6. I am full of hope
  7. I am healthy and glowing with vitality


Whilst you might be craving pizza and donuts to boost your sugar level and fuel up, you know this isn’t the way to go! Being stuck at home means more opportunity to snack and I’m aware people with eating disorders are going to be especially challenged at this time. Do the best you can do with your budget and concentrate on putting healthy foods into your body.

  • Foods rich in calcium such as dairy products, tinned salmon and sardines with soft bones and broccoli can help soothe your nerves.
  • Foods containing Vitamin B such as wholegrains, chicken, fish, nuts, cheese, avocados and yoghurt can help the brain’s production of neurotransmitters.
  • St John’s Wort supplements have been used as an alternative to prescription anti-depressants.
  • Chamomile tea can calm the nervous system. You need to use 2 or 3 tea bags in a cup and cover the cup with a saucer/lid and let the tea stew for ten minutes before drinking.
  • Probiotics to help the gut flora can help lift your mood and boost your immunity. Ask in the pharmacy for the best brand to suit your body and your budget.
  • Whilst it is tempting to drink when you are feeling down, alcohol lowers levels of feel good chemicals in your brain and can worsen, if not even cause, depression.
  • Caffeine (coffee, tea, chocolate and colas) should be avoided where possible as it can cause sleep problems and prevent you relaxing, which can affect your mood.
  • Keep up your hydration levels with a glass of room temperature water every hour.


Bergamot, geranium and rose oils are uplifting and it’s wonderful to fill your home with sweet aromas if you have a diffuser or vaporiser. Most local pharmacies stock pure essential oils or if you would like to order online I recommend


If you didn’t feel safe, secure or loved in your childhood, challenging times can really rock your foundation and elevate your negative feelings. You may have experienced trauma, rejection of abandonment that has been triggered. The following process can help you clear some of this but please seek professional help if this brings up issues for you.

  1. Hold your Emotional Stress Release points (as shown in video below) while you visualise an image of yourself as a child. Think about how old you were when you experienced trauma: you might be a baby or a toddler, at primary or secondary school.

Think about these things to create a good visual image or think of an old photograph of yourself as a child:

  • “What are you wearing?”
  • “What is you hair like?”
  • “Are you inside or outside?”
  • “What can you see?”
  • “What does she/he look like? Happy? Sad? Bored? Lonely? Playing?”

2. Now visualise yourself as the adult you are now, in the same scene near the child version of you. Is there anything you would like to say to your inner child? Is there anything they would like to say to you?

You may need to tell your inner child that you will never ever leave them:

Say to yourself “You will never be left behind; I love you; I will keep you safe; I will take care of you; everything will be OK.”

There may be more specific personal words you need to say too …

  1. See yourself as an adult picking up your inner child and giving them a cuddle.

4. How does the child respond? Do they trust you? If not tell them more passionately; reassure them they are safe and will never ever be left behind again.

  1. Is there anything else your adult or your inner child wants to share?

Remember you can cuddle your inner child self whenever you feel the need. You could use a cuddly toy or a pillow to represent your inner child and hold it tightly.



Simply holding your forehead to bring blood to the front of your brain is an easy and powerful way of calming your emotions. Please see this video from me showing you how to do this effectively:


Wishing you love and light as we move through this challenging and transformational period.