Eliminating Eczema Naturally

Eczema is an inflammation of the upper layers of the skin. The skin appears red and scaly and can be very itchy. Contact eczema, or dermatitis, occurs when the person is in contact with a substance they are allergic to, for example the nickel in jewellery and some cosmetics. Atopic eczema is more chronic and often occurs in people who have hayfever or asthma, or who have family members with these conditions. Chlorine and chemicals in cosmetics can often be irritants. How does your skin feels after showers and baths or swimming pool immersion?

Like a snake shedding its skin, eczema can indicate a releasing of old ideas or a frustration at not being able to change and move on easily. The skin is your emotional boundary, so if you are holding your emotions in, your skin can reflect this by being irritated.

Are you going through a period of change, internally or externally?

Your skin also covers the whole of your body. Are you trying to cover something up? Your real feelings? A secret you are keeping for or from someone?


  1. I welcome change with open arms
  2. I am now free of the past.
  3. I express my feelings with ease and clarity.


FOODS TO EAT Essential fatty acids are great for the skin. Fish oils, evening primrose oil and flax seed oil can relieve itching and inflammation.

Zinc rich foods such as beef, liver, poultry, eggs and seafood will also help skin healing.

FOODS TO AVOID Dairy sensitivity is often associated with eczema. Cut out milk, cheese, butter, yoghurt and chocolate and check labels for dairy ingredients. Other common reactions are to wheat, citrus fruit and sugar.

Eliminating your eczema by changing your diet and your mindset ensures you the best chance of having healthy, happy skin.

For other natural supports for eczema and other common conditions please see my book Your Body Has The Answer.